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Finding purpose of life

    The search for purpose and meaning is a lifelong journey. It is a journey that can be challenging and rewarding at the same time. By embracing the challenges and celebrating the rewards, one can find a deeper sense of fulfillment in life.

    What is purpose?

    Purpose is a sense of direction or aim in life. It is something that gives our lives meaning and helps us to feel fulfilled. Purpose can be derived from a variety of sources, such as our relationships with loved ones, our work or hobbies, our spiritual beliefs, or our contribution to society.

    Purpose can be fully spiritual or conventional

    When one has a spiritual purpose the main goal can be to reach full liberation, enlightenment or realization of final truth. Conventional purpose always has some kind of greater benefit to mankind or a part of society. Thus it can be find with various tools such as Ikigai, the Three Most Important Questions, Lifebook or different kind of personality tests.

    Do you have a purpose?

    Most people live their life without any well defined purpose or meaning. They live in the so called Culturscape, where every action is driven by automatic programs defined by society (family, friends and cultural environments). How could one live a happy, healthy, fullfilled and meaningful life in that way? When the actions are rooted in externally defined patterns it is really hard to live ones own life, to fulfill ones own destiny.

    So, do you have a well defined purpose of life that is rooted in your own soul (consciousness)? Well, to find your purpose, it requires work, digging deep into yourself, to get rid all of social programming and of course, it requires courage.

    The good news is that every kind of capabilites can be developed. Our brain can be reprogrammed, habits and behaviour can be changed.

    How to find your purpose?

    My favorite method is really simple and fast, it is called the Three Most Important Question. As you may already guessed, it contains three questions that covers three main area of life.

    Find a quiet place, take some deep breath and give yourself a few minutes to the following questions: What do I want to experience in my life, how I would like to live, with whom I would like to live? How do I want to grow, how should I need to change to live a life I want? How do I want to contribute to the world, what should be my legacy?

    Let’s find your purpose together!